2025 WAEC GCE FIRST SERIES (JANUARY) LITERATURE: 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS (1240)




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Literature III


 The poem describes the opposing experiences between two birds: one bird is able to live in nature as it pleases, while a different caged bird suffers in captivity. Due to its profound suffering, the caged bird sings, both to cope with its circumstances and to express its own longing for freedom. Using the extended metaphor of the two birds, Angelou paints a critical portrait of oppression in which she illuminates the privilege and entitlement of the un-oppressed, and conveys the simultaneous experience of suffering and emotional resilience. In particular, the poem's extended metaphor can be seen as portraying the experience of being a member of the African American community. In other words The caged bird sings fearfully of things he does not know, but still wants, and his song can be heard from as far away as distant hills, because the caged bird sings about freedom


Pun on Home; Pun is a play on words to produce humorous effect. It is usually common with homonyms. In this poem, the poet played on the words ‘home’ and ‘booze’.

‘Home’ in this poem has different shades of meaning. It was used in lines 2, 10, 17, 29 and 32. At the beginning of the poem, home refers to the physical home of the persona. Although we can say, it was the real home in the mind of the persona but the poet meant more than that considering retirement could also mean death in the real sense of life.

In line 33, home refers to grave or heaven. This is where absolute rest resides. The freedom the persona desires from call to duty rests in the grave. People are solely at peace when then are laid to rest. Hence the line Home to rest in peace.

In line 30, Booze is used as noun to mean an intoxicating drink taken by the persona whereas the meaning of the verb ‘boozed’ is altered to mean that the persona’s vision was blurred and he made a wrong decision.


Lamboi's reflection summarizes for us all his evil deeds towards ascending the throne of Moyamba. One death leads to another but the desired end still looks remote. The question, therefore, is how many more would be killed to satisfy this inordinate ambition? Is the throne really worth these killings? Yes, it is a dream and a fantasy for Lamboi as acting chief; he feels so close to power now but it is still very remote in actual sense. The rumour mill is agog now with the news that Yoko has used Jeneba as sacrifice; buried her alive in a big pot to fortify her power and acquire more power to gain the favour of the Governor. Musa is on this assignment. Rumour wears a conflicting garment of reality and the feeble-minded admires such easily and that is the strategic capital Lamboi and Musa are exploiting. The duo of Lamboi and Musa use a multi-pronged approach to drive home their design to discredit Yoko. In addition to the rumour mill, they also cash in on the belief system of the people by making a false claim that the Gbeni oracle revealed Yoko as the murderer of Jeneba. It is instructive that Ndapi, the father of Jeneba, who is most hurt is the one who also stops the powerful Sande women cult from deposing Queen Yoko because of this supposed dreadful deed. Ndapi as an important cultural icon in the land would not want utter disregard for royalty and cultural proceedings, even though he is grieved. To take the law into their hands is to invite anarchy which is precisely the wish of Lamboi and Musa. Lamboi and Musa's plan is effectively on course;


Revolving around the trials and tribulations of the Maxson family, Fences is a great example of a family drama. We watch Troy struggle to fulfill his role as father to his son and husband to his wife. You could say that Troy doesn't do such a great job in either role; before his death, his family has all but disintegrated due of his failures. However, by the end of the play, we see that the family has also grown by his example. Fences depicts the complex dynamics that both tear families apart and hold them together. Whereas Troy thinks that his adultery is something permissible, and which Rose should be able to accept and wrap her head around because of all the sacrifices he’s made to support the family, Rose rejects this. She affirms that she’s made sacrifices too, but they transcend sacrifices motivated merely by making money and doing one’s job as a provider in getting food on the table and maintaining the house. Rather, Rose’s ‘duty’ is one of staying together and protecting the bonds of the family bonds which she, again, sees as something never to be broken.


2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS 2025 WAEC GCE FIRST SERIES (JANUARY) LITERATURE: 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS (1240) Welcome to official 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) answer page. We provide 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC GCE First Series (January) Lit Expo

Welcome to official 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) answer page. We provide 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC GCE First Series (January) Lit Expo. WAEC GCE First Series (January) Literature Questions and Answers 2025. WAEC GCE First Series (January) Lit Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS. 2025 WAEC GCE First Series (January) EXAM Literature Questions and Answers

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2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS 2025 WAEC GCE FIRST SERIES (JANUARY) LITERATURE: 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS (1240) Welcome to official 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) answer page. We provide 2025 Literature WAEC GCE First Series (January) Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC GCE First Series (January) Lit Expo

This is 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS No. 1

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Nii has a brief but stormy relationship with Marshak, a Ghanaian lady who survives through prostitution in Nigeria. However, Nii allows the ghost of Massa to interfere with his relationship with Marshak. The relationship ends with the unfortunate death of Marshak, whose cause of death is either abortion or suicide. With the money that Marshak gives him, Nii leaves Illere with Aaron and Abbey to find his sister, Mama. In other words Marshak is another of the endless list of Ghanaians forced out of Ghana by the revolutionary government. She prostitutes her body to make ends meet. Her mother’s situation in Côte d’Ivoire is not any different. In Nii Tackie, she sees hope of settling down into matrimony. She is often irritated when Nii Tackie mistakes her for Massa (his dead lover). She dies later after a brief disagreement with Nii Tackie (on morality obviously), suggestively a suicide, a catastrophe Nii Tackie holds himself responsible for.

This is 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS No. 4

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Revenge and Repetition; Nearly all of the action in Wuthering Heights results from one or another character's desire for revenge. The result are cycles of revenge that seem to endlessly repeat. Hindley takes revenge on Heathcliff for taking his place at Wuthering Heights by denying him an education, and in the process separates Heathcliff and Catherine. Heathcliff then takes revenge upon Hindley by, first, dispossessing Hindley of Wuthering Heights and by denying an education to Hareton, Hindley's son. Heathcliff also seeks revenge on Edgar for marrying Catherine by marrying Cathy to Linton.


Supernatural; From beginning to end, Wuthering Heights is a novel full of ghosts and spirits. Dead characters refuse to leave the living alone, and the living accept that the deceased find ways of coming back to haunt them. In a departure from traditional Gothic tales, these hauntings are sometimes welcome. Heathcliff, for instance, repeatedly seeks out visitations from the ghost of his beloved Catherine. He even digs up her grave in order to be closer to her. Brontë uses otherworldly figures to emphasize the ferocity of Heathcliff's and Catherine's love; their connection is so 'copied from e x p o c o d e . n e t free' powerful that even death can't stop it.


Nature and Civilization: Pitting nature against civilization, Emily Brontë promotes the Romantic idea that the sublime—the awe-inspiring, almost frightening, beauty of nature—is superior to man-made culture. She makes this point by correlating many of the characters with one side or the other and then squaring them off against each other.

This is 2025 WAEC GCE First Series Literature in English ANSWERS No. 7

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